Your Rights and Responsibilities

As a registered patient of the practice, the surgery team has responsibilities for your healthcare, and will do its utmost to offer you modern, evidence based medical management, tailored to suit you. In return, the practice feels that patients have responsibilities too. It will benefit you, the other patients and the practice team if you would:

  • Consider speaking to your local pharmacist.
  • Ensure that you have sufficient supplies of your repeat prescription and therefore don’t run out of anything unexpectedly.
  • Work constructively with the reception team when they’re trying to make an appointment for you.
  • Always keep an appointment you have made. If you find it is now inconvenient, please cancel your appointment so that it can be used for another patient.
  • Only ask for a home visit if you’re too ill to travel to the surgery.

As frustrating as ill health can be, the practice is doing its best to help patients so no member of the team has to tolerate violent or abusive behaviour from anyone.

The practice has the right to remove any violent or abusive patients from the list. If any patient is violent the police will be called and a formal statement made. The patient will be removed immediately from the list and the police may take further action.