Text Message Reminders

At The Park Surgery we use text message reminders to contact our patients.

We will only send you information by text message on your mobile phone about your healthcare. This includes but is not limited to:

  • Appointment reminders.
  • Blood test results.
  • Follow up appointments.
  • Other healthcare related messages.

What you need to do?

If you would like your practice to contact you via the text messaging service please make sure that we have a current mobile number for yourself or any family/household members. If you do not wish to receive these reminders please contact the surgery who will update your records and remove consent to receive text messages.

Remember to tell us of any change in your mobile number as the service will only work if your contact information is up to date.

Safe and secure

If you agree to your practice contacting you via your mobile phone number, this practice agrees to adhere to the following:

  • The mobile phone number will only be used by the GP practice and will not be passed to any other parties.
  • Your mobile phone number will solely be used by the GP practice in relation to the healthcare services offered by the GP practice. You will not be contacted in relation to any other types of products or services.
  • No personal details will be included in the message to identify you.
  • Whilst the GP practice will regularly check your telephone numbers with you, please be aware that the onus of keeping your contact details current with the practice rests with you.